Create, Innovate, Believe, Now

Privacy Policy


RBJ Commodities Trading Exponent (“we”) respects the privacy of visitors to (the “Website”). This Privacy Policy explains the online information practices regarding the collection of information that can personally identify you (“Personal Information”) and certain other information for the Website. This Privacy Policy applies only to information we collect through the Website. The Privacy Policy describes how we use Personal Information we collect and the choices you can make about the uses of your Personal Information.

Personal Information is information such as your name and email address, when this information can be linked to you or used to identify you. If you provide us with Personal Information, we will treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


What Information Do We Collect?

Personal Information

We have designed our Website so that you are not required to provide any Personal Information unless you are requesting access to certain Website features, such as Requesting for a Qoutation of the wibsite selling product.

In order to access certain parts of our Website that require registration, you must provide some Personal Information, including your Company, name, telphone #  and email address.

In order to participate in other areas of our Website, you may be required to submit Personal Information to benefit from specific features.

Interactive Features

Any comment, testimonial, question, answer, information, message or picture you submit that may be posted on our Website, including but not limited to posting of comments on our blog, posting of a bio, profile, or picture on our Website, or sending communications directly to other users, is a public communication and may be viewed by the general public. You acknowledge and understand that you have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality in the content you submit for such uses over our Website, whether or not the communication includes Personal Information about you. If you display Personal Information in any communication submitted for such uses, other individuals may collect and use your Personal Information. While we may remove Personal Information from postings to our Website, we assume no obligation to do so. We are not responsible for, nor can we guarantee the protection of, any Personal Information you disclose in a communication submitted for such purposes or you include in an email or other communication submitted to us for such posting, and thus, you acknowledge that if you disclose Personal Information in any such material, you do so at your own risk.

Non-Personal Information—Cookies

The Website may indirectly collect information about you through the use of cookies. Cookie are text-only strings of information that a website transfers to the cookie text file of your internet browser if your browser has been set to accept them. Your browser then stores this information onto your computer’s hard drive. For general visitors to our Website, we use cookies only during a user’s particular session or visit to the Website (for instance, to permit information to display on your screen). We use persistent cookies – ones that persist longer than an individual user’s visit—to identify users who register for our Website and to save this identification or profile information between visits so the Website “remembers” you for ease of use.

A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie originated, the “lifetime” of the cookie, and a value such as a randomly generated unique number. You can delete or reject any cookies that have been installed in the cookie folder of your browser. Each browser is different, so you will need to check your specific browser’s “Help” menu to learn how to change the cookie preferences. You can also set your browser to notify you when a site sends you a cookie. Please note, however, that if you disable all cookies, you may not be able to access some parts of our Website.

We use information from cookies to evaluate our Website’s services, content, and traffic and to better tailor our Website for visitors. We may also use this information to bring information or materials to your attention based on your preferences, to alert you to new features on our Website, or to inform you about services and products we offer that may be of interest to you.


How Do We Use Your Personal Information?

Personal Information is used to support your relationship with the Website. In addition to providing requested services, such as newsletter subscriptions, and Website features, we may use your Personal Information for various other purposes, including sending you information relating to health careers, conducting surveys, site maintenance requirements, and other communications.

If you choose to register for certain parts of the Website, we will use your Personal Information to facilitate your participation, to connect you with other registered users, and to answer any questions or address any comments you submit on the Website. Personal Information that you submit to create a profile and anything you post on portions of the Website accessible by registered users will be viewable by other registered users.


How Do We Share Your Personal Information?

We do not sell or share the Personal Information we collect over our Website with non-affiliated third parties for their own use, unless pursuant to an exception set forth below or as otherwise noted at the point of collection of Personal Information. The exceptions to sharing with non-affiliated third parties include when we provide Personal Information in response to subpoenas, court orders, or otherwise to comply with law, to protect our interests, or when we believe in good faith the law requires it.

We also may share your Personal Information with service providers who help us facilitate the features and services offered through our Website. These service providers perform services according to our requirements and may have access to Personal Information needed to perform their functions on our behalf, but they may not use it for other purposes.


What Choices Do I Have About How My Personal Information Is Used?

If your Personal Information changes, if you no longer wish to receive a specific service or communications from us, or if you wish to inquire about information that we have collected on our Website, please contact us at [email protected], and we will correct, update, or remove your details or process your request to be removed from our communications and services. If you are a registered user of certain portions of our Website, such as DSOP, you can sign in and manage your Personal Information and how we communicate with you. You can edit or delete Personal Information contained in your profile, and you can select how often you would like to receive email communications. You can also delete your entire profile if you no longer wish to be a registered user of the Website.


How Is My Personal Information Protected?

We use commercially reasonable safeguards to maintain the confidentiality of your Personal Information. We will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your Personal Information against (a) accidental or unlawful destruction; (b) accidental loss; and (c) unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or access. No security system, however, is impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our database, Website, or services, nor can we guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the internet. We are not responsible for the actions of third parties.


What About Links to Third Party Websites?

The Website may contain links to other websites, including websites operated by other entities. Please be aware that these websites may collect Personal Information about you. For example, we provide links to job postings on the AfterCollege Career Network. We urge you to review the privacy policies posted on any websites you visit before using those sites and providing Personal Information. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.


How Do We Protect Children’s Privacy?

We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that we have Personal Information of a child under the age of 13 we will delete that information.


What About Changes to This Privacy Policy?

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify, alter, or otherwise update this Privacy Policy at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications, alterations, or updates. We will notify you of material changes to this Privacy Policy by posting the revised policy with the date it was revised on this page. Your continued use of the Website constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any updates. We encourage you to review periodically this Privacy Policy to stay informed about how we are protecting the Personal Information we collect.